Austin Bridge & Road

Austin Bridge & Road Debuts Historical Feature

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October 11, 2021


Dallas/Fort Worth


IRVING, TX - Austin Bridge & Road is pleased to announce a new feature on its social media channels, "Then & Now," a monthly look back at marquee projects from the company's long history.

The first edition features Dallas' iconic triple underpass. Once called the “Gateway to Dallas,” the triple underpass near Dealey Plaza was built by Austin Bridge Company and Austin Road Company starting in 1934. The underpass, a joint project with the Texas Highway Department and City of Dallas, created access to the western edge of downtown Dallas under the Union Terminal tracks. Contending with up to 80 trains a day complicated the job, requiring close cooperation with the railway companies.

The triple underpass was hailed as a modern marvel, built of concrete with square balusters in a handsome art-deco style. It was unveiled with great excitement in 1936, during Texas Centennial celebrations. Civic leader George B. Dealey, who helped spearhead the project, was the first to drive a car through it. Now, 85 years after its construction, the Dallas triple underpass is still a remarkable piece of Dallas architecture and engineering.

Then & Now can be found on Austin Bridge & Road's social media channels east month.

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