Austin Bridge & Road

Vitruvian Park Bridges

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Austin Bridge & Road was the prime contractor for the City of Addison, Texas, to build three bridges within Vitruvian Park. Vitruvian Park is a $1 billion mixed-use, sustainable urban development project set on 99 acres featuring luxury housing, restaurants, retail shopping, and a 12-acre park with jogging and biking trails designed around a spring-fed creek. The bridges consisted of the Ponte Avenue bridge, the Bella Lane bridge and a pedestrian bridge. The Ponte Avenue bridge was designed with two steel arches weighing 70,000 pounds each. Austin built two other bridges for this project, the Bella Lane Bridge, which is also an arch bridge, and a prefabricated pedestrian bridge. The project also called for the use of decorative saw cuts and rock salt finishing of the concrete surfaces to create specific design elements.


Addison, TX


Heavy Civil

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